Paper – I
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300
Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.
Answer must be written in the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answer written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.
Candidate should attempt Question no. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining question selecting at least one question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.
Section A
1. Write short notes on the following, keeping sociological perspective in view (Each short note in about 150 words): 12x5=60
(a) Emergence of Sociology is an outcome of modernity and social change in Europe
(b) Fact and Value
(c) Reliability and Validity
(d) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
(e) The problem of gender
2. (a) What can Sociology show us about our actions? Discuss the practical significance of Sociology. 30
(b) What is Class? Do you think that Weber’s contribution to social stratification is different from that of Marx? 30
3. (a) What is subjective method in social research ? Examine Focus group Discussion (FGD) as a technique for data collection, with suitable examples. 30
(b) Define Ideal Type and explain Weber’s concept of ‘Verstehen’ for understanding social phenomena. 30
4. (a) Give conceptual meaning of social system. What is cognitive consonance between ‘pattern’ variables’ and ‘paradigm’? 30
(b) What do you mean by social mobility? Discuss the major sources and causes of mobility. 30
Section B
5. Write short notes on the following from a sociological perspective (Earth short note in about 150 words): 12x5=60
(a) Self-Help Group (SHG) as an informal organization of work
(b) Power Elite
(c) Cultural Pluralism
(d) Lineage and Descent
(e) Development and Dependency
6. (a) What is formal organization?
“The growth of bureaucracy has resulted in extreme concentration of power at larger levels of social organization.” Discuss. 20
(b) Highlight prerequisites of social movement bring out the differences between social movement and revolution. 20
(c) “Collective action in politics can bring integration and disintegration in society.” Comment. 20
7. (a) Define sect, cult and religion. In what way do Weber’s views on religion differ from those of Durkheim? 20
(b) What you mean by marriage and family? Discuss the structural and functional changes in family in modern society. 20
(c) Explain the concepts of Participatory Democracy What conditions are assumed to be conducive to participation? 20
8. (a) “ Social support mechanism needs to be strengthened for effective implementation of development programmes.” 20
(b) Discuss World System Theory in the context of modern society. 20
(c) “Science and Technology are major forces accelerating the process of social change.” Comment. 20
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