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Showing posts from June 4, 2012

Indian Railways Continue its March Towards the Path of Growth & Development

      Feature - UPA Railways H. C. Kunwar*             In its endeavour to become an excellent rail transport network of the world, the Indian Railways during the year 2011-12 has helped launch itself towards a path of gigantic growth and development, keeping in view the future transportation needs of the economy like construction of 727 kilometres of new line, gauge conversion of 856 kilometres and doubling of 752 kilometres of Railway line besides improving punctuality by six per cent and improving safety by seven per cent.  The year 2011-12 has been significant for the Railways in achieving goals and targets. Revenue Generation              The total approximate earnings of Indian Railways on originating basis during the financial year 2011-12 were Rs. 104278.79 registering an increase of 10.15 p...

Green Economy

                 FEATURE Environment   M. V. S. Prasad * Celebrated annually on 5 June,  World Environment Day  aims at creating worldwide awareness and encourages political attention and action on environmental issues.   World Environment Day thematic celebrations have in the past included caring for the earth and water,  ozone layer, climate change, desertification and sustainable development, etc. World Environment Day was founded by the UN in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. 2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the United Nations Environment Programme and also of World Environment Day (WED), and 20 years since the first UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Earth Summit) in  Brazil . Why Celebrate World Environment Day? When we see or experience the negative effects of climate change and environ...

SAARC Countries Reaffirm Commitment to end Violence Against Children

Member Countries Sign Colombo Declaration The SAARC countries reaffirmed their determination and renewed their commitment to end violence against children in all forms and all settings at the meet of the member countries at Colombo. They countries unanimously adopted the South Asia Call for Action on Ending Violence against Children. Representatives from SAARC countries were meeting as follow up on regional consultation on the UN study on violence against children, which was held at Colombo between 26-31 May, 2012. 

Rajya Sabha TV Live

UNESCO World Heritages in INDIA

Source : GK Link Zone

Anand Sharma to Chair Manufacturing Industry Promotion Board

Board of Approval, Green Manufacturing Committee and High Level Committee Also Notified   NMP Gets Moving with States Identifying Lands  Photo Courtesy : In a big push to concretize the operational contours of the National Manufacturing Policy (NMP), the Government has established a Manufacturing Industry Promotion Board (MIPB) for matters pertaining to the implementation of the National Manufacturing Policy with the Commerce and Industry Minister Shri Anand Sharma in the Chair. Along with the MIPB the Government has also notified Board of Approval, Green Manufacturing Committee and High Level Committee. The Notifications were signed on 1st June, 2012. 

Highlight of Civil Services Exam, 2011 Results

          Following are the important highlights of the Civil Services Examination, 2011, for which final result has been declared on May 4, 2012. Ø        The Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2011 was conducted on 12 th  June, 2011.  A record number of 4,72,290 candidates applied for this examination, out of which 2,43,003 candidates have actually appeared.