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Showing posts from November 15, 2012

Preamble - Quotes : Constitution : IAS Notes

"Preamble is a microcosm of the Constitution and is a key to the constitution" "Poor people who wander about, find no work, no wages and starve, whose lives are a continual mud of sore affliction and pinching poverty, cannot be proud of the constitution or its law."   - Dr. S. Radhakrishnan on Democratic Society "The only possible, real object that we, in common with other nations, can have is the object of co-operating in building up some kind of a world structure, call it one world, call it what you like."  - Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on Fraternity "Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social democracy. What does social democracy mean? It means a way of life which recognizes liberty, equality and fraternity which are not to be treated as separate items in a trinity. They form a union of trinity in the sense that to divorce one from the other is to defeat the very purpose of democracy. Liberty cannot be divorced fro...

Preamble - Bare : Constitution : IAS Notes

CONSTITUTION OF INDIA WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens : Justice , social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION. Backlinks IAS Notes : Preamble to the constitution of India - Important Quotes : Preamble to the Consitution of India - IAS Notes - Indian Polity -

Preamble : Constitution of India : IAS Notes

Pic courtesy : Preamble - Bare - "Preamble is a microcosm of the constitution and is a key to the constitution." Preamble is not enforceable Words socialist, secular and integrity  was added by the 42nd constitutional amendment of 1976 Preambular values Sovereignity : Sovereignity is a characteristic of the government. It means that there is no authority above the government either outside or inside the country. ** Preamble of India establishes popular sovereignity and not parliamentary sovereignity. Socialist : Socialism means ownership of productive forces by the government so that they benefit people equitably. Secular : Secularism means separation of religion from politics. Religion is private while politics is public. Democracy : Democracy means rule by the people. Republic : Republic is a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citiz...