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Public Administration - I, 2011

Public Administration

Paper I
Time Allowed: Three Hours                            Maximum Marks: 300
Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.

Answers must be written U1 the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.

Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section.

The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.

1. Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each: 20x3 = 60
(a) 'A crisis of credibility' in the administrative system can be overcome only by 'reinventing government'. Comment.

(b) 'Media is a Parliament of citizens.' Explain.

(c) E-governance is the' final arrival of Max Weber's 'iron cage of rationality', Discuss,
2. (a) In the evolution of' the discipline of Public Administration, Minnowbrook Conferences I, II and III reflect the discipline's reconceptualisation and its changing values. Elucidate, 30
(b) Critically examine conflict resolution according to M.P. Follett. Explain how McGregor took forward her ideas in the context of complex organizations. 30
3. (a) Whereas Downs' model is largely dependent on a theory of psychological motivation, Niskanen's model is framed by neo-classical thinking. In the light of the above, discuss the public choice approach to decision-making.  30
(b) The Systems Approach is relevant .even today for organisational analysis. Discuss how Chester Barnard and David Easton adopted this approach in their respective areas of study. 30
4. (a) Whereas 'value for money' audit aims at economy and 'performance' audit seeks efficiency, 'social' audit goes beyond both, to examine the effectiveness of a programme or activity. Examine this statement with suitable illustrations.
(b) (i) Make a critical assessment of Dicey's understanding of the Rule of Law and Droit Administratif.   15

(ii) Make out a case for Delegated Legislation.  15

5.  Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each: 20 x 3 = 60
(a) 'Budget is a series of goals with price-tags attached.' Explain.
(b) 'Policy is being made .as it is being administered arid administered as it is being made.' Comment.
(c) 'Position Classification can be problematic. A serious complaint in its practice is that it dehumanises the employee.' Discuss.
6. (a) Neither Edward Weidner nor Fred Riggs was able to describe the process of development administration adequately. Explain the drawbacks and weaknesses in their theoretical analyses. 30
(b) Indicate the milestones in the story of development from the Nehruvian Model to the Liberalisation Model. 30
7. (a) Civil Servants must be social moralists in action, living up to Paul Appleby's dictum that 'responsible government is ethical government'. Examine this statement in the light of rod governance.  30
(b) Critically examine the following statements in the field of Policy Sciences.
(i) The instrumentalist paradigm posits a conservative tendency In public policy making.  15
(ii) Dror's Optimal Model is a fusion of the economically rational model with the extra-rational model. 15
8. (a) (i) What are the main functions of an O and M office?  15
(ii) A system of Information ties planning and control by managers to the, operational system of implementation. Elaborate. 15
(b) An administrator uses the budget as a framework for communication and co-ordination, as well as for exercising administrative discipline throughout the administrative structure Explain.   30


  1. thanks for the tips for the IAS mains examination for public administration. I am an ias aspirant and a regular visitor to your blog. Also enrolled in Public administration course at I always go to sites in the internet for the question practice. A request, do post some questions for ias mains preparation.


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