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Showing posts from May 11, 2012

Arab uprising reflects the public mood in authoritiarian regimes but also has lessons to democracies like india

The fall of Ben ali form the high pedestals of power in tunisia following a public uprising marked the beginning of a series of public protests across the middle east north africa region. The historic tahrir square protests brought to an end , the rule of an iron handed dictator. This showed the world, the power of public opinion. Soon the fellow authoritarian rulers faced similar protests and are trying to suppress them.                 The african continent for long had remained under developed despite it being endowed with rich natural resources. The colonial powers like england, france colonised vast areas of africa to exploit the human and natural resources. Following the nd of world war II, the colonia powers withdrew leaving behind a brokn and battered continent divided into dozens of countries by unnatural borders. This resulted in formation of nations with tribes, groups with conflicting interest. This lead to internal conflicts and hence no sense of nationalism existed a

Environment treaties compilation

ACCOBAMS Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area  . ACCOBAMS is a cooperative agreement for the  conservation of marine biodiversity  in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution It is an environmental agreement signed in 2002 between all ASEAN nations to reduce haze pollution in Southeast Asia. As of June 2007, eight countries Viz. Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam , Myanmar , Viet Nam , Thailand , Lao PDR , Cambodia have ratified the agreement. Aarhus Convention: Aarhus Convention, was signed on June 25, 1998 in the Danish city of Aarhus. As of July 2009, it had been signed by 40 (primarily European and Central Asian) countries and the European Community and ratified by 41 countries. Bali Communiqué On 30 November 2007, the business leaders of 150 global companies published a communiqué at Bali Indonesia to world leaders calling for a comprehe


source: Law ministry 1.   Compulsory voting should be strictly complemented with “Negative Voting/‘None of the above’ option in the EVM   or make voting as Fundamental Duty under article 51A. 2.         Common electoral roll. 3.         Increase security deposit before every election. 4.         Simultaneous election for Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly. 5.         No person should be allowed to contest more than one seat. 6.         Minimum educational qualifications and age limit to contest elections. 7.         Election petition against defeated candidates also. 8.         Ban on exit polls, opinion poll, pre-poll. 9.         Ceiling of expenditure for election to council constituencies also. 10.     Door to Door canvas by groups should be banned before 48 hours of election. 11.     Minimum percentage of Votes to be prescribed to declare a winner. 12.     Independent candidates may be given an option to join a political party. If so req