Arab uprising reflects the public mood in authoritiarian regimes but also has lessons to democracies like india
The fall of Ben ali form the high pedestals of power in tunisia following a public uprising marked the beginning of a series of public protests across the middle east north africa region. The historic tahrir square protests brought to an end , the rule of an iron handed dictator. This showed the world, the power of public opinion. Soon the fellow authoritarian rulers faced similar protests and are trying to suppress them. The african continent for long had remained under developed despite it being endowed with rich natural resources. The colonial powers like england, france colonised vast areas of africa to exploit the human and natural resources. Following the nd of world war II, the colonia powers withdrew leaving behind a brokn and battered continent divided into dozens of countries by unnatural borders. This resulted in formation of nations with tribes, groups with conflicting interest. This lead to internal conflicts and hence no sense of nationalism existed a