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Public Administration - II, 2011

Public Administration

Time Allowed: Three Hours                  Maximum Marks: 300 


Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.

Answers must be written in the medium specified in the Admission .Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-Book in the space provided for the .purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from, each Section.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. 

1.  Attempt the following m not more than 200 words each:  20 x 3 = 60

(a) "Over-dependence on bureaucracy for bringing about socio-economic development in India has proved to be dysfunctional." Comment.
(b) "The performance of Lok Ayuktas in various States has been uneven." Comment with examples.
(c) Explain with appropriate illustrations the interface between' political culture and bureaucratic culture in contemporary India.

2.  (a) Discuss the evolution of the role of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) since independence. 30
(b) "Administrative reforms get diluted because of constant tinkering on the margin rather than a holistic transformation." Discuss the statement in the context of reforming district administration in India. 30

3. (a) Comment on the following statement: 30
"The Comptroller and Auditor-General (CAG) of India is a prosecutor with a law that hobbles. its functioning, a judge without the 'power to sentence and a litigant with no right to appeal."
(b) "Indian federalism is passing through a state of potential maturity." Discuss this statement in the context of the views of the Commission on Centre-State Relations (Justice M. M. Punchi). 30

4. (a) "The theme of Police Reforms continues to haunt the Parliament." In the light of this statement, discuss the state of Criminal Justice System administration in India.  30
(b) 'Performance Appraisal Systems' with special reference to the Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES) are expected to transform the bureaucratic culture of Indian administration. Do you agree? Give reasons.  30


5. Attempt the following in not more than 200 words each: 20x3=60
(a) "The real problem of administrative reforms in India at the State and the local levels is that they are imposed from above." Comment.
(b) Discuss the basic principles of 'New Localism' as a part of the global-local debate.
(c) "Absence of District Planning Committees in a large number of districts has prevented convergence of planning at the district level." Examine the above statement with examples.

6.  (a) (i) "One Lok Pal, howsoever strong I it may be, cannot eliminate corruption in the , politico- administrative system in India." Comment.  15
(ii) "Grievance redressal system is perhaps the weakest link in India's civil service management," Comment.  15

(b) "Community policing has become a victim of elite capture." Discuss the concept of community policing and bring out the implications of the above statement.  30

7. (a) Can the holding company's structure act as an institutional change to add to efficiency? Give your answer with appropriate illustrations.  30
(b) Examine the institutional  vulnerability of municipal. governance in the midst of an ‘emerging spectre of multiple partnerships.  30
8. (a) (i) Identify the different conceptual categories of disasters. 15
(ii) Write a note on the the new culture of disaster management. 15
(b) "Disaster insurance is 'desirable but not an easy proposition to implement." Illustrate with suitable examples. 30


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