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India japan joint statement highlights

  • Japan’s initiative to strengthen international cooperation in the area ofdisaster risk reduction, including the holding of an international conference in the Tohoku region in 2012 appreciated by india
  • japan to invite approximately six hundred Indian youth under the new “Kizuna (bond) Project” aimed at promoting global understanding of Japan’s revival in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake.
  • Commencement of negotiations on an agreement between India and Japan on Social Security, which will contribute to the promotion of economic activities by private sectors of both countries.
  • Government of Japan would extend loans totaling 134.288 billion yen to two new projects, namely, “Delhi Mass Rapid Transport System Project Phase III” and “West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project”
  • emphasised the importance of an early realisation of the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) which runs through the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) with Japan’s support.
  • stressed the importance of infrastructure development in the areas betweenChennai and Bengaluru, where an increasing number of Japanese companies including SMEs have made direct investments to establish their manufacturing base
  • Japan’s technologies and expertise be utilised in the development of India’shigh-speed railway system
  • important to upgradation of speed of passenger trains to 160-200 kmph on existing Delhi-Mumbai route of the western leg of the Golden Rail Corridor for India’s economic development
  • decided to enhance the earlier bilateral currency swap arrangement from 3 to 15 billion US dollars.
  • Indian and Japanese enterprises would jointly undertake industrial activities to produce and export rare earths at the earliest.
  • facilitation of trade in high technology between the two countries
  • \expansion of India-Japan collaboration for the development of the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IIT-H)
  • Since 2007, approximately 2,300 Indian youth have visited Japan through “Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youth” (JENESYS) programme
  • reaffirmed their support for the East Asia Summit (EAS) as a forum for dialogue on broad strategic, political and economic issues of common interest and concern with the aim of promoting peace, stability and economic prosperity in East Asia
  • xpressed support for the EAS as a Leaders-led forum with ASEAN as the driving forc
  • reiterated their commitment to the promotion of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA) as a step towards attaining economic integration in East Asia
  • xpressed their support for ASEAN Connectivity and considered the possibility of having a “Connectivity Master Plan Plus” which would develop further linkages between ASEAN and its partners
  • Joint exercise between the Indian Coast Guard and the Japan Coast Guard to be held in January 2012
  • appreciated the progress made with regard to the establishment of theNalanda University and reiterated their support to its revival as an icon of Asian renaissance and as an international institute of excellence.
  • pledged to explore opportunities for consultation on their respective assistance projects, including those projects implemented in the neighbouring countries, that advance Afghanistan’s mid- and long-term development and build its civilian capacity
  • Resolved to develop greater cooperation in combating terrorism through sharing information and utilising the India-Japan Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism, as well as cooperation in multilateral forums such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum (GCTF)
  • reiterated India's commitment to a unilateral and voluntary moratorium onnuclear explosive testing.
  • reaffirmed their commitment to working together for immediate commencement and an early conclusion of negotiations on a non-discriminatory, multilateral and internationally and effectively verifiableFissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) in the Conference on Disarmamen
  • Seoul Nuclear Security Summit in March 2012.
  •  East Asia Low Carbon Growth Partnership Initiative proposed by Prime Minister Noda at the East Asia Summit.
  • Reiterated their commitment to ensure effective implementation of the G-20 Cannes Summit decisions including the Cannes Action Plan, which aims to achieve the Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth.
  • shared an expectation that the decisions of the European Council of 9 December 2011 towards stabilisation of the financial markets and strengthening of economic policy coordination and governance would be implemented effectively and in a timely manner through coordinated efforts by the European leaders.
  • reaffirmed their commitment made at G-20 Cannes Summit on anti-protectionism.

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