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Shri Jaipal Reddy Inaugurates International Bioenergy Summit Releases “The Bioenergy Road-Map –Vision 2020” of the Department of Biotechnology

In an endeavor to create a roadmap for the next five years for innovative technologies and policies forbiofuels development in India, the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India along with The Energy and Resources Institute(TERI) launched a two day International Summit on ‘Bioenergy: Algae Biofuel & Synthetic Biology 2012’ here yesterday. Shri Jaipal Reddy, Minister of Science and Technology & Earth Sciences inaugurated the Summit.

During the two day summit, experts and policymakers are aiming to identify the primary tasks that must be undertaken to accelerate the sustainable deployment of biofuels in India. The summit is witnessing the participation from renowned scientists from over 7 countries, including India, USA, France, Belgium, Malaysia, and South Africa along with 10 eminent international speakers.

Delivering the inaugural address, Shri. Jaipal Reddy, Minister, Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, opined “There is no denying the fact that the country is facing some serious challenges in food and nutrition, healthcare, energy and environment. To meet these mounting challenges, Science and Technology can play a crucial role in developing an instrumental framework both nationally and internationally. Innovation requires institutional framework and adequate human resources, in order to succeed we need to strengthen and redesign to move towards progress in product development” .He further added, “We need to accelerate our global efforts that will immensely help us in the economic and social development of our country. The best of modern technology should be harnessed for a sustainable future and ensuring some tangible outcome”. The Minister also released “The Bioenergy Road-Map – Vision 2020” of Department of Biotechnology.

Dr. M. K. Bhan, Secretary, DBT and Chairman, BIRAC said “We should use our science and engineering base and our industry strength to create an innovation nation for bioenergy for sustainable future”. He emphasized on the need for redesign new Institutional mechanisms for forthcoming innovation and Public Private Partnership. Dr. Bhan further said “I am hopeful this summit will witness some intelligent discussions, feedback and chalk out the way forward for cutting edge research in the field of algae and synthetic biology forbiofuels”.

Dr. Pachauri, Director General, TERI stated “The significance of this summit is very timely on account of the challenges that the nation has been facing. In order to have a green and sustainable future we need to ensure that our resources are properly exploited. I am extremely sure that algae can play a pivotal role towards ensuring a better future. The future lies in coming up with innovative technologies that will give us a sustainable future”. He further added “With regard to the development and commercialization of technologies, I am very pleased to know that Department of Biotechnology and TERI have come up with an intensive plan of action, I sincerely believe this will set  some very high standard’s and will go a long way in creating a sustainable future”.

The two day summit has included plenary talks, invited talks, and panel discussions to deliberate on key issues for next generation fuels. It will provide a unique opportunity for communication and collaboration between academia, industry, and policy-makers and will enable government, industry, and financial partners to identify the steps needed and implement measures to accelerate required technology development.

The summit will highlight on the various scientific themes like Algal Bioengineering, Algae as Production System, Sustainable Algae Mass Cultivation, Synthetic Biology for Advanced Bioenergy, System and Computational Biology in Bioenergy, Synthetic Biology and Industry Potential and Adoption of Bio-energy Solutions in Industry and Other Sectors.

It aims to unite researchers in the field of next generation fuels for exchange of innovative ideas, leading edge concepts, new technologies and ongoing R&D efforts in the field of `Algal biofuel and Synthetic biology for advanced bioenergy` but will be an unique platform for communication and collaboration between academia, industry, and policy-makers.


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