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Parliament of various countries

Parliaments of various countries

Afghanistan - Shora
Andorra - General Council
Albania - People's Assembly
Azerbaijan - Melli Majlis
Algeria - National People's Assembly
Angola - National People's Assembly
Argentina- National Congress
Australia - Federal Parliament
Austria - National Assembly
Bahamas - General Assembly
Bahrain- Consultative Council
Bangladesh -Jatiya Sansad
Belize - National Assembly
Bhutan - Tsogdu
Bolivia - National Congress
Brazil - National Congress
Brunei - National Assembly
Botswana - National Assembly
Britain - Parliment (House of Common's and House of Lords)
Bulgaria - Narodno Subranie.
Cambodia - National Assembly

Congo Democratic - Rep. of National Legislative Council
Colombia - Congress
Canada - Parliament
China - National People's Assembly
Chile -Chamber of Deputies and Senate
Comoros -Legislative Council and Senate

Costa Rice - Legislative Council and Senate
Crotia - Sabor
Cuba - National Assembly of People's Power
Czech Republic - Chamber of Deputies and Senate
Denmark - Folketing
Ecuador - Natinal Congress
El Salvador - Legislative Assembly
East Timor - Constituent Assembly
Ethiopia - Federal Council and House of Representative
Egypt - People's Assembly
Fiji Islands -Senate & House of Representative
France - National Assembly
Finland - Eduskusta (Parliament)
Germany - Bundestag (Lower House) and Bundesrat (Upper House)
Guyana - National Assembly
Greece - Chamber of Deputies
Hungry - National Assembly
Iceland - Althing
India - Sansad
Indonesia - People's Consultative Assembly
Iran - Majlis
Iraq - National Assembly
Israel- Knesset
Italy -Chamber of Deputies and Senate
Japan - Diet
Jordan - National Assembly
Korea(North) - Supreme People's Assembly
Korea(South) - National Assembly
Kuwait - National Assembly
Laos - People's Supreme Assembly
Lebanon - National Assembly
Lesotho - National Assembly and Senate
Lithuania - Seimas
Luxembourg - Chamber of Deputies
Libya - General People's Congress
Malaysia - Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara
Maldives - Majlis
Madagascar - National People's Assembly
Mongolia - Great People's Khural
Montenegro - Federal Assembly
Mozambique - People's Assembly
Myanmar - Pyithu Hluttaw
Nepal - Rashtriya Panchayat
Netherlands - The Staten General
New Zealand - Parliament (House of Representative)
Oman - Monarchy
Pakistan - National Assembly & Senate
Paraguay - Senate & Chamber of Deputies
Philippines - The Congress
Papua New Guinea - National Parliament
Poland - Sejm
Romania - Great National Assembly
Russia - Duma & Federal Council
Serbia - Federal Assembly
Senegal - National Assembly
Seychelles - People's Assembly
South Africa - Rep. House of Assembly
Spain - Cortes
Sweden - Riksdag
Saudi Arabia - Majlis Al Shura
Sudan - Majlis Watani
Switzerland - Federal Assembly
Syria - People's Council
Turkey - Grand National Assembly
USA - Congress
Vietnam - National Assembly
Venezuela - National Congress
Zambia - National Assembly


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