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Beauty Spot on Sun: Transit of Venus

From children to elders in all sections of society witnessed today the Transit of Venus which is among the rarest of predictable celestial phenomena. The Transit of Venus began at 5:22 am and finished at 10:22 am. In the early morning hours there were heavy clouds but as the sun started to rise it was a spectacular view when the planet Venus appeared as a small, dark disk moving across the face of the Sun. There were around 300 viewers at the office campus and they all enjoyed it.  The next pair of transits will occur on December 2117 and December 2125. Scientists, students, media and general public they all enjoyed the rare celestial event in full volume.

Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India organized Special Observation Camp in their office campus. In the camp the Director of Vigyan Prasar Dr. Subodh Mohanty, renowned science writerBiman Basu and team of scientists from Vigyan Prasar Mr. Kapil Tripathi, Mr. Nimish Kapoor, Dr. Bharat Bhushan, Dr. Rakesh Upadhaya answered the question of people present to witness the event. Vigyan Prasar also organized a number of activities in the Camp like live observation of the Transit of Venus, web telecast of the event, day time astronomy activities, Film show, demonstrate of activity kit, book exhibition and astronomy quiz.

Vigyan Prasar executed a number of following activities:
1. Observation of Transit of Venus through telescope- Telescopes were installed for media, student and general public to view the magnificent view of Transit of Venus.
2. Webcast of Transit of Venus – It was live web casted on Vigyan Prasar`s website
3. Team of Vigyan Prasar scientists interacted with the audiences.
4. There were some very interesting day time astronomy activities carried out in Vigyan Prasar that included:
a) Magic Mirror/Ball Mount Mirror: The activity particularly mends to evoke the curiosity of children this explained the shape of the sun through a simple mirror and paper. The paper was cut in many different shapes like triangle, square etc. For e.g. when the piece of paper having square shape was placed in front of mirror it reflected square shape. But when the distance of the mirror and the place where it was reflected was increased the shape of the reflected image changed into round shape i.e. round. This simply explained the shape of the Sun.
b) Dark room: In this with activity a very easy- to-make tool was made to get the glimpse of transit of Venus. A cardboard box in which black paper was pasted on the four walls and on the bottom side white paper was pasted. On the opposite side where white paper was pasted a hole was made to allow the sun reflect. On one wall a comparatively small hole was made as an eye piece, by this way one can easily see transit of Venus.
c) Telescope preparation: This is also an interesting and easier way that was demonstrated at Vigyan Prasar. For this two hexagonal cardboards were folded so that one can slide over other and on one end a 10x lense was placed. And here is your own telescope is ready to use.
d) Nano Solar System: this demonstration was for showing the relative size and distance of the planets that are present in our solar system. One billionth part of the planets is being demonstrated here.
5. A film show of 20 minutes was organized by Vigyan Prasar in their NOIDA office. This film was about Transit of Venus.
6. An activity kit on Transit of Venus was demonstrated to the media and general public. This helped them to understand the phenomenon in a better way.
7. Books were also exhibited on the occasion.
8. Also, a astronomy quiz was also organized for student and general public to create interest in them.


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